From Treme to the Quarter with the Satchmo SummerFest Second-Line

Bands, Brass Bands, Dance, entertainment, events, music, musicology, second-lines, Travel, videos

291 TBC Brass Band & Sudan292 TBC Brass Band & Sudan293 Sudan with the TBC Brass Band294 Sudan with the TBC Brass Band295 Sudan with the TBC Brass Band296 Sudan297 Satchmo Summerfest298 Sudan & The TBC Brass Band302 Sudan & The TBC Brass Band303 Satchmo Summerfest305 Satchmo SummerFest307 Sudan & The TBC Brass Band308 Sudan and the TBC Brass Band309 Zulus & Baby Dolls310 Satchmo SummerFest311 Satchmo SummerFest314 TBC Brass Band315 Satchmo SummerFest316 Satchmo SummerFest317 The Zulus318 The Baby Dolls319 The Baby Dolls320 The Baby Dolls322 Satchmo SummerFest323 Baby Boys Brass Band324 Zulus325 Zulus326 Satchmo SummerFest327 Sudan329 Sudan330 Sudan331 Sudan & TBC Brass Band332 Baby Dolls333 Baby Boys Brass Band334 Zulus335 Zulus336 Satchmo SummerFest338 Sudan339 Sudan & TBC340 Sudan & TBC341 Sudan & TBC342 Sudan & TBC343 Sudan344 Sudan & TBC345 Sudan & TBC346 TBC Brass Band & Sudan347 TBC Brass Band & Sudan348 TBC Brass Band349 TBC Brass Band & Sudan350 Sudan & TBC351 Sudan & TBC352 Sudan & TBC353 The Baby Dolls354 The Baby Dolls355 Sudan356 Sudan357 Buckjumping358 Sudan359 Fi Ya Ya Warriors Drummers
When the jazz mass at St. Augustine’s Church finally ended, the Treme Brass Band came marching out of the church, and the second-line, which had already lined up outside, got underway. The Treme Brass Band was at the front, with the Baby Dolls and Zulus behind them, and then I walked with the TBC Brass Band, who were marching with the Sudan Social Aid and Pleasure Club, and behind us came the Fi Ya Ya Warriors with their chief and their drummers. We marched first down to Rampart Street, past a couple of hotels where tourists were cheering from the balconies, and to the entrance of Louis Armstrong Park, which was entirely appropriate given the purpose of this festival. From there, we headed back down Rampart to Esplanade, and down Esplanade toward the old U.S. Mint where the festival stages were located. Although I had imagined the second-line as something of an artificial thing scheduled for tourists, I was pleasantly surprised to see it pick up second-liners and buckjumpers as it proceeded down Esplanade. By the time we passed through the festival gates at the Mint, there was hardly room to move. I had meant to hang out at the festival, but I soon found that all of my homeboys in the TBC were leaving out to walk back up toward the Treme, and I was tired too. It took every bit of strength I had to walk back up to the Treme Center where I had parked my car.