Al Kapone (@ALKaponeMemphis) Live at the Pop-Up Arts Festival, Melrose Stadium, Orange Mound, 2012

Dance, entertainment, events, music

Al Kapone (@ALKaponeMemphis) is one of the founders of Memphis rap, and a man who has contributed generously and selflessly to the Memphis music industry. Among his accomplishments is being one of the first rap artists to perform with a symphony orchestra. At the Pop-Up Arts Festival in Orange Mound last Sunday, Kapone performed a brief excerpt of his longer performance with the Memphis Symphony Orchestra and the jook dancers from the U Dig Dance Academy. It was a great ending to a great day in Orange Mound. 


It’s not everyday that a rap artist performs with a symphony orchestra, but that’s exactly what happened here in Memphis this week with the collaboration between the Memphis Symphony Orchestra and legendary Memphis rapper Al Kapone to kick off the Opus One concert series. These pictures were taken at the rehearsal on Wednesday, November 9. The concert the following night was standing room only.