Celebrating The World We Knew With Tav Falco’s Panther Burns #MMHF13

Bands, entertainment, events, music, videos

Tav Falco and the Panther Burns were a vague name on posters and albums at Poplar Tunes in my youth, and I sadly didn’t discover what all the fuss was about until later, long after Tav had left Memphis behind for Paris and Vienna. But the band, whose name is taken from a plantation home and post office in the Mississippi Delta, has alternately thrilled or exasperated Memphians for years with their quirky blend of punk-inflected blues, agit-prop political songs and theatre, rockabilly romps with an occasional tango or Frank Sinatra cover. Falco continued to record in Europe, but Memphis didn’t get to see him again until 2012, when he performed at the old Hi-Tone on Poplar as part of the release of his book Ghosts Behind The Sun: Splendor , Enigma and Death in Memphis (which is an epic, and a must-read for any fan of Memphis music). That night was marred by Tav’s hoarseness, the result of a grueling tour schedule, but Saturday night’s performance at the Memphis Music & Heritage Festival was a stunning success, with Tav in great form and an audience of true fans and admirers in front of the stage. Tav Falco’s music is slowly being reissued by Big Legal Mess Records, a subsidiary of the Oxford-based Fat Possum label. All of his albums are worth purchasing.


Directly across the street from the Carver Museum is Trailer Space Records and East Side Pies pizza. Trailer Space is a performance venue, and was featuring a girl band called the High Class Hillbillies when I visited. I had always thought of Trailer Space Records as more of a punk-rock store, but they had an amazing selection of avant-garde jazz, including the latest CD from the group Yells at Eels, which features my friend Alvin Fielder on drums.Â